Training in leadership – trends in developing the leaders of the future
May 26th 2021 | Posted by phil scott
Training in leadership – trends in developing the leaders of the future
Leadership development is central to the performance of any organisation.
Top companies understand that their current and future leaders need to be agile, informed and engaged in order to ensure the business thrives in an age of digital transformation.
Embracing trends in developing the leaders of the future is a major factor in ensuring that this happens. Several of these trends have developed in recent years many of which have the millennial leadership generation at their heart.
Mobile facilitated learning
In the UK workforce millennials are now a dominant force and are making their mark as leaders. By 2030 it’s highly likely that the majority of leaders will be from this generation. In this context, the trend towards mobile facilitated learning makes sense.
It embraces the use of tools that are already an integral part of everyday life for leaders of the future. It also opens new training opportunities by enabling sessions to take place at any time and in any location. This is a major positive when it comes to the scheduling of leadership training.
A blended training approach
Blended training is seen as an optimal approach for developing leaders. It uses a combination of training methods such as trainer-led classes, digital courses, videos, and coaching. There are several reasons why organisations are embracing this trend including:
- Training can be tailored to individuals and they can learn at their own pace.
- A broader and geographically diverse training group can be reached.
- Budgetary restrictions are often easier to navigate.
- The approach brings the best aspects of different training methods together in one place.
Soft skills training using virtual reality
Making user of virtual reality (VR) means that future leaders can develop their soft skills within realistic situations. Common workplace scenarios can be simulated giving those learning a chance to develop an understanding of how to deal with these situations in a safe environment.
The VR functionality can also provide immediate feedback. This helps to streamline and speed up the training process.
Predictive analytics to aid clarity in decision making
Investment in leadership development is essential. It’s just as vital that this investment is made in the right way. Top firms use predictive analytics to guide the decisions they make about leadership development investment.
Information about their people, culture and business requirements helps them to see where their priorities lie. This informs decisions about where and how to invest time and finances.
The application of nudge theory
The concept of nudge theory is a trend that keeps growing. It concerns subtly guiding people to make the best decisions and act in the most effective way. One of the central themes of the theory is that messages must be EAST (Easy, Attractive, Social, Timely).
With this in mind, this trend gives companies the opportunity to steer away from piling learning modules onto potential leaders. Instead they are able to create an open and flexible learning environment where there is an emphasis on encouraging individuals to build on what they know and learn how to apply skills more successfully.
Companies that understand the value of developing their future leaders are placing these trends at the centre of their development strategy and planning.